Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pergilah Duka

Posted by emaduel at 10:44 AM
I wish my life will be bright in 2010 but i forgot that it's life.We will face a lot of things in our life.From that we'll learn to face future challenge..We gain experience..Tapi....still have tapi..
Kenapa?2010 baru je berapa hari ni tapi aku rasa macam banyak je benda yang jadi...

Early 2010,I need to go tru a lot of problemssss in office alone.Yes,alone.My boss on long leave.Still in Philipines.I wish that i have an assistant now..pls..Right now,my life pun macam tunggang langgang je.Weekend tak dapat nak gi mana2 teraphy center(shopping complex..hee) sebab buat kerja office.Ye,aku bawak kerja office kat rumah.Even stay-up malam semata2 nak siap kan kerja office aku yang berlambak2 itu.Mata pun da jadi macam panda.If chomel macam panda tak pa la jugak.Benci!

Pastu semalam time aku nak pergi kerja,i noticed there is abnormality kat bawang merah..bile aku pegang je..prakkk..patahhhhhh..tau tak?tempat yang kite nak bukak pintu tu..patah?can u imagine it?haih sape nye keje ni??nak kena kerat tangan ni..so sekarang ni aku nak masuk kat driver site aku masuk tru co-driver nye seat..tak boleh blah betul la..berapa plak duit aku melayang to fix this..adoii

Semalam jugak,aku berkejar2 ke tempat adek aku.He's injured again sebab terjatuh during training session..kaki dia da bengkak.Hantar gi klinik to check and balut takut masuk angin..Malam tadi tengok dia susah tio..sebab kaki nya berdenyut2..Sorry for him..I don't know how to say.A lot of obstacles that he need to face.Lepas satu,satu..He also cannot join the tournament in Iran soon.I don't know how can i help him..Kata2 semangat pun da tak jalan da..Today,he'l go to MSN with my parents to do an X-ray to check ada patah ke tak.Mintak2 dijauhkan la..I just hope that he'll recover soon before Grand Prix Tournament start;it might be in Feb.I don't know he read my blog or not.Whatever it is,I just want to say to him..Sabar.There must be a reason for everything that happened.Kena kuatkan semangat.Allah takkan menguji hamba-Nya melebihi tahap kemampuan kita.Ya Allah,berilah peluang for my brother untuk berjaya dan permudahkanlah jalannya.Amin...
I wish that segala duka ini pergi and am looking fwd for happiness in 2010.

p/s:Guys,am so sorry for this entry.I am also human being..Da takder tempat nak mengadu..sini je la luahan hati :)

8 comments on "Pergilah Duka"

annie on January 12, 2010 at 1:46 PM said...

it ok isma, mmg sinila besenya tmpt org meluah perasaan, at least kita tak susahkan org ntuk dgr masalah kita melainkn yg sudi share scr sukarela.Tabahkan hati kuatkan semangat k.

Isma said...

thanks ani..:)

Yantieazan on January 12, 2010 at 4:42 PM said...

takpe..baik luahkan daripada dok simpan je..semua tu ujian tuhan..sabar kay! smoga syawal cepat sembuh juga..

Isma said...

Ye..da tak tau cane nak luahkan..
nasib baik ada blog..
yes,pray for him too.

Anonymous said...

akak, org skrg x kisah da.. mmg blog la jd tmpt mgadu..syira doakan smga adik akak ok...


Isma said...

syira..thanks ye..
luv u

AmiEr SidhQie on February 8, 2010 at 2:40 AM said...

Pastu semalam time aku nak pergi kerja,i noticed there is abnormality kat bawang merah..bile aku pegang je..prakkk..patahhhhhh..tau tak?tempat yang kite nak bukak pintu tu..patah?can u imagine it?haih sape nye keje ni??nak kena kerat tangan ni..so sekarang ni aku nak masuk kat driver site aku masuk tru co-driver nye seat..tak boleh blah betul la..berapa plak duit aku melayang to fix this..adoii

-nasibla ada sunroof, pintu takleh bukak masuk ikut sunroof je hehehe, anyway jgn tension2 sgt. meh sembang kt ym meh, ada emoticon comel nie nak share.

Isma said...

nak naik sunroof da satu hal


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